The Emotions That Go Along With Divorce
Divorce is a situation that can be emotionally charged. Studies have shown that a divorce evokes the same emotional stress as a death. You may choose to get divorced for various reasons. You may have irreconcilable differences, there may be infidelity, or you and your mate may have grown apart. Regardless of what the reason for the divorce may be, a divorce is very difficult for the entire family. If your financially independent husband does not want to offer you any financial support after the divorce, it is because of emotional pain, anger, and resentment. Whatever the case may be, you need to know your right.
What if He Tells You that You Won’t Get Anything if You Leave Him?
Since feelings between two people can be different, your husband may want to keep you from getting support after a divorce if it is not something that he wants. In reality, your husband does have a choice about what you will and will not receive after the divorce. After a divorce, there are plenty of options available through the court. It is best for you to know your rights when you are the financially dependent wife because if your husband does not want you to leave, without the court, he may try to keep everything from you.
The Difference Between Marital and Separate Property
Marital property is the property that was purchased during the course of a marriage. This is property that belongs to both spouses irrespective of who originally purchased the property or whose name is on the property, if it was purchased during the marriage, it is marital property. Separate property is property that one of the spouses owned before being married. This could be a vehicle, furniture, a home, or anything else. If you decide to divorce your spouse, you are entitled to receive a portion of all marital property.
How the Court Will Distribute Marital Property
The court has to consider various things when it decides how it will distribute marital property. The court has to consider the following aspects:
- The length of the marriage
- The age of the spouses
- The health of the spouses
- The income of the spouses
- Are there children involved
- Is there a loss of pension benefits
- The effort of a spouse in the home
What Will Happen With the Home
One of the things that can make you worry the most is the fate of your home. If your husband’s name is on the title, he may threaten to leave your on the street. If your husband threatens to leave you homeless, you are going to want to take action to protect yourself and your children if there are children involved. When it comes to your home, the court can order it to be sold. If there is a child involved, generally the house will not be ordered to be sold until the under aged child has graduated from high school. The court can also choose to give the home to one of the parties involved. The court will decide if the house should be sold by determining the value of the home, and the value of the home is determined by the cost of the mortgage.
What About Alimony
Alimony is a payment that you can receive if you are a dependent spouse. You are considered a dependent spouse if you made less than your husband or if you are a home maker. This is money that you deserve because when you were married, you were working as a team, and the time and effort that you put into the home received no financial compensation, the court must take your time and effort as a house wife into account. In the majority of states in United States, there is not a formula to calculate exactly how much alimony will be. There is a philosophy that most courts take into account in order to decide on this issue. That philosophy is that you and your husband deserve to live in more or less the the same manner that you lived in before the divorce. A court will try its best to make things as fair as possible so that you can receive good compensation in order to continue to live in the same fashion as you did before.
Get The Law Involved
Divorce is always painful and difficult, and there is generally no way to avoid that. In spite of the previous statement, after a divorce your life will go on. If your husband is threatening to leave you with nothing after a divorce, it is best for you to know your rights. The Internet has a wealth of information when it comes to divorce laws, but it is best to hire a trustworthy lawyer who can help you to navigate the murky waters of divorce. This lawyer is the individual who can help you understand what you are entitled to, and he or she will fight so that you can get the compensation that you deserve after the divorce. No man has the right to keep you in a marriage that you do not want to be in, so get in contact with a good lawyer who can help you to get what you deserve.