Getting married is a big decision, and it’s one few people take lightly. Getting divorced is very much the same kind of major decision couples don’t take lightly. When it’s time to call it quits, many people experience a range of emotions. From devastation to relief to sadness to comfort, there is no right or wrong way to feel when divorce occurs. What happens, however, when a couple decides they no longer want to get a divorce?
What happens when they’ve separated, they’ve filed paperwork, and they are in the midst of divorcing one another and change their minds? It might sound like something that never happens, but it happens all the time. Couples realize they want to continue their marriage, they want to make it work, and they want to be there for one another.
Can divorce be stopped?
Yes, a divorce can be stopped. A husband and a wife make the decision to end their marriage, and they have the right to make the decision to stop the end of their marriage. However, there are a few stipulations regarding this type of marital status. Reconciliation occurs all the time, and it’s encouraged in many instances when it means a family can stay together.
How do I stop my divorce?
The easiest way to stop a divorce is to speak to the attorneys handling the case. If no attorney is being used in a divorce, it’s possible the couple can petition the judge in their case to stop the proceedings and allow the marriage to continue. Provided there is no major issues in the marriage or the divorce process, many judges will happily allow couples to continue their marriage rather than continue with the divorce.
The petition to stop divorce proceedings can be submitted to a judge at any point in the divorce process so long as a final judgement has not been issued. A final judgement occurs when the judge finalizes the divorce by signing documentation stating the couple is no longer married. Once this has been signed, it’s no longer possible to continue a marriage as it’s been legally declared over.
To apply for a petition, the couple has to request their divorce is cancelled in writing. A letter is required explaining why the marriage is one they want to work on. They must explain the reason for their divorce and reconciliation, and they must explain the reason they want to end the divorce proceedings. Both signatures are required on the letter, and both must be signed while both parties are in agreement.
Other Considerations
There is one thing couples should realize before deciding to call off a divorce. If a wife files for divorce in her local jurisdiction and her husband does not respond to the divorce, she can submit a letter asking that the divorce paperwork is voided without his signature since he never responded. If the other spouse has responded to the divorce, both signatures are needed to end proceedings.
Most states and counties want to see people work through their issues and continue their marriages, so they require a mandatory waiting period from the time paperwork for divorce is filed and the divorce is finalized. It helps to get to know the law in the area where a divorce has been filed, and it helps to be sure all laws are being followed as the petition is being submitted.
If a couple decides to call off their divorce after the final decree has been signed, the court is very likely to ignore any requests to reopen the divorce to have it rescinded. Instead, the court encourages the couple to simply remarry if that is their personal choice.
Before filing for divorce from a spouse, it’s imperative couples try to work out their marriage. Many marriages are often fixable if people put forth the effort to make it work, especially in cases where divorces are called off. It’s also helpful to call an attorney to help with the divorce paperwork and proceedings. A divorce attorney is familiar with the law and able to help make the process smoother, simpler, and less stressful for all involved.
A divorce attorney will call of a divorce if that’s what a couple wants, and they’re able to help write the petition and get it filed prior to a divorce being finalized. It helps to have a professional on the side of the law during divorce cases, which is why divorce attorneys are the first call any couple should make.